Black Rose Entertainment - Grow Faster, Make More, Do Less



Welcome to Black Rose Entertainment, where we're dedicated to helping you grow on OnlyFans! We're so excited to help you achieve your goals and celebrate your success.

Let's Get Started!

First things first, let's dive into the onboarding process. As your growth partner, we're here to support you every step of the way, alleviate your stress, and help your fans multiply exponentially. However, we also value your hard work and dedication, as these efforts will boost your growth even more.

To kick things off, we'll need some materials to start promoting your profile effectively. Don't worry, it's all designed to attract more subscribers and increase your PPV earnings:

Photo Requirements

To kick things off, we'll need some materials to start promoting your profile effectively. Don't worry, it's all designed to attract more subscribers and increase your PPV earnings:

25 Dating App-Style Pictures

Think casual, approachable, and genuine. Your dating app-style photos represent you as a real person, not a polished product. Show your personality, interests, and hobbies. Make your fans feel like they could truly get to know you. These photos don't need to be professionally staged – embrace your inner fun self. Remember, selfies are totally acceptable, as long as they look believable and could convince someone that you could end up going on a date with them.

Example Tinder PictureExample Tinder PictureExample Tinder PictureExample Tinder PictureExample Tinder PictureExample Tinder PictureExample Tinder Picture

27 Dating App Verification Photos:

These photos serve as proof that you're a real person to help get verified on the platform. Please provide us with seven sideways (landscape/horizontal orientation) pictures that showcase a neutral facial expression and a simple, real-life background with no explicit content. Click below to view examples. These photos should resemble passport-style images, emphasizing authenticity and trustworthiness. Remember, a little bit of distance from the camera will help them pass the checks better. Please have your hair in a ponytail or bun, and wear a plain top with no logos or patterns. Make sure the camera is as far away from you as you can hold it, ie both shoulders should be visible in the video at all times.

Hand to chestHand to side of faceHand as fistHand flat on headPalm facing cameraMaking a peace signMaking a thumbs up

Back of handHand to side of headHand to earFinger to faceFinger under chinHand to side of headLooking leftOpen mouthHolding phoneWinkingBiting lipEyes closedFaceForeheadHand down on headListeningLooking rightPalmSideWinking with tongue out

12 Instagram-Style Photos:

These will help us build a solid foundation for your new account. This is your chance to showcase your creativity, fashion sense, and beauty. Remember, there's no rule against having a separate social media persona, so feel free to let your inner influencer shine here. Examples below:

36 Snapchat-Style Pictures:

Get ready to showcase your laid-back, authentic self while keeping things intriguing and sexy for your fans.

We'll need THREE different outfits, with TWELVE photos per outfit. This variety will keep your fans engaged and excited for more. Remember, the goal is to make these photos look like casual snapshots, not professional shoots.

For the first 10 photos per outfit, channel your inner bored teenager. Aim for a relaxed, "just-waking-up" vibe with your outfits (i.e. lazy clothes), no need for makeup or styling. Capture these photos quickly and candidly, cutting off some of your face and using unusual angles. Encourage your fans to feel like they're catching a glimpse of your everyday life, even if it's a bit imperfect. Examples here:

Snapchat example photoSnapchat example photoSnapchat example photoSnapchat example photoSnapchat example photoSnapchat example photoSnapchat example photo

Remember, extremely casual, not a photo shoot, neutral face, you MUST be holding the camera yourself, no posing, lazy clothes, non studio quality lighting, no filters, and take no longer than 0.5 seconds taking the photo. The idea is to look rushed and lazy.

The final two photos per outfit are your opportunity to get a little more adventurous. Keep the relaxed, candid feel, but introduce some back-give, lifting your shirt to tantalize your fans with a hint of the intimate and sensual. Remember, the focus should still be on your laid-back, casual demeanor – these photos should take no longer than 0.5 seconds to capture.

Snapchat example suggestive photoSnapchat example suggestive photoSnapchat example suggestive photoSnapchat example suggestive photo

Remember, same outfit, not full nudity, don't suddenly remove your pants/trousers and be in just your bra, subtle is better.

Once you're comfortable with these initial milestones, it's time to level up:

Next Steps - Weekly Content

Once you're comfortable with these initial milestones, it's time to level up:

  • 7 TikTok Videos: This is where you can really have some fun and interact with your fans. Aim for one video per day, and use the "Winning TikToks" tool to stay ahead of the curve. Whether it's a dance challenge or a humorous prank, remember to pay close attention to the first 3 seconds and make your copy as similar as possible. Record your videos using the TikTok video recorder, and don't forget to use the same music found within the app for that extra touch of authenticity.
  • 21 Custom Images for Instagram: Your fans love seeing you on their feed, so it's crucial to keep your Instagram page fresh with eye-catching photos. Aim to post one custom image per day, tailored to your brand and audience. This could include outfit shots, lifestyle shots, or exclusive content teasers.
  • Go Live on TikTok: Hosting a live session is an excellent way to engage directly with your fans in real-time. Aim for one live session per week, preferably at a time when most of your fans are online. During your live session, you can interact with your followers, answer questions, and showcase exclusive content. TikTok also allows you to moderate your live sessions, ensuring a safe and positive environment for your fans. Don't forget to promote your live sessions ahead of time on your other social media platforms to maximize viewership.

As best as we can, we will try to repurpose any content produced onto other platforms to help them grow for you.

By consistently providing this content, you'll not only build a solid fan base but also keep your current subscribers engaged and excited for more. Remember, the more you put into your content, the more you'll get out of your growth partner.

We're thrilled to have you on board, and we can't wait to see your rise to stardom on OnlyFans!

Ash & Mike