Black Rose Entertainment - Grow Faster, Make More, Do Less

About Us

Welcome to BRE House

"Grow Faster, Make More, Do Less."

Who We Are 👥

Who We Are

Founded by Ash and Mike, BRE House was born out of a genuine desire to help models who were producing exceptional content but struggling to find an audience. With years of collective experience in marketing, software development, and sales, we knew we could make a significant difference in their careers. Established in November 2023, we have been crushing it on all fronts, delivering unparalleled results for our models. Our passion and dedication are the driving forces behind our success, and we are committed to helping you achieve your dreams.

Our Mission 🎯

Our mission is straightforward: we help models increase their earnings while reducing their workload. By guiding them on what type of content to produce and handling the promotional side of things, we allow our models to focus on what they do best—creating amazing content. Our unique approach ensures that our models don’t need to put any money down; we handle all promotions at our own cost until our models start earning big. Then, we take a percentage. We believe in a win-win situation where your success is our success.

What We Do 💼

At BRE House, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to boost your earnings and fanbase. Our tailored strategies ensure that you get the most out of your content and reach the audience you deserve:

  • ✔️ Audience Acquisition: We bring in high-quality traffic that converts, optimizing the inbound funnels.
  • ✔️ Content Guidance: We provide models with proven social media strategies that convert.
  • ✔️ Fan Nurturing: Our 24/7 team of professional chatters engages with subscribers on behalf of the models to increase subscriber retention and revenue.

Our Team 👩‍💼👨‍💼

Our diverse team is our strongest asset. Co-founders Ash and Mike, alongside our ever-growing team of model managers and chatters, bring a wealth of expertise to the table. We're dedicated to exponential growth and expanding our team to maintain our highly personal relationships with all our models. Our team is passionate, driven, and ready to support you every step of the way.

Success Stories 🌟

One of our most notable successes is Kourtney, who saw her earnings leap from $200 a month to an impressive $7,000 a month in just two months. And Kourtney's story is not unique! We aim to replicate this success with every model we bring on board. Your success story could be next, and we are here to make it happen.

Who We Serve 🌍

Who We ServeWho We ServeWho We Serve

Whether you're a new model looking to break into the industry or an experienced model aiming to scale up, we have the tools and knowledge to help you succeed. While the onboarding process may be a bit longer for newer models, the results speak for themselves. We are committed to your growth and will be with you every step of the way.

Why Choose Us ❓

Why Choose Us

What sets BRE House apart are our results and our commitment to our models. We don’t charge any upfront fees; we believe in our models so much that we’re willing to invest our own money to ensure their success. Furthermore, we stand by ethical practices and ensure that we only work with models who are genuinely passionate and of their own free will. Join us and experience the difference that true dedication and expertise can make.

Future Plans 🚀

To ensure we continue providing a personalized experience, we plan to bring on more managers as we grow. Our commitment is to people, not just numbers on a spreadsheet. We are excited about the future and look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

Get in Touch 📞

If you're interested in joining BRE House, you can reach out by filling in our contact form or through a referral from one of our existing models. We're excited to help you grow faster, make more, and do less! Don't wait—take the first step towards a brighter future with BRE House today.

Contact Us

Ash & Mike